Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rehabilitating the electronic butterfly

Electronic socializing has become the craze recently. Boundaries are defined by the medium of communication being used. There is no obligation to answer and participation in every discussion is entirely the choice of the individual. In essence, control is what is given to the electronic butterfly. In any human interaction there are a number of ways that a person can interact in a negative way. We can look at it in terms of on-off phenomenon, for example, lack off or presence of endorphins. In reality to think about the whole range of possibilities in the neurotransmitter/receptor analogy, we would have to consider degrees of "off" and "on" (antagonist, agonist, partial antagonist, partial agonist, inverse agonist, inverse antagonist).
But in a black and white world, a world of ideals, a world of extremes, a positive feeling will lead the electronic butterfly to drone around the electronic interactions more so than the actual interactions. In the same world, the human or the actual interactions are giving a certain negative feeling to such an individual. The morale is not protected. Morale can take a hit in an interaction when invasion, judgment or deception take place.
A person who by Horney's construct "goes with the people", is an anxious person who lives in a dangerous world where control is a luxury. Anxiety and the need for control go hand in hand. This butterfly when laying its eggs, wants to control any invasion, judgment or deception. The barrier, alter persona and freedom to move is granted by the electronic socialization.
The same answer would be invaluable to the same person outside of the world of electronics. Utility of these principles is one of the arm of social skills training.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Placenta brain...pregnancy and cognition

Since there is no extensive research in this phenomenon and I have personally gotten to see this happen, I tried finding some data to see what is the cause.

-One study I cam across found an association between prior history of PMS and perceived forgetfulness with the hypothesis that some women were more sensitive to the effects of the hormones.
-Another study found differences in arousal levels between pregnant women and controls. They also mention that mood can have an effect on perceived cognitive deficits.
-One other study found that pre-pregnancy personality and the level of consciousness had an impact of subjective perception of cognition, as did level of anxiety.
-Another study found selective attention deficits which tended to recover in post partum women.
-Peri-partum memory deficits have been found independant of mood changes. Progesterone and DHEA in pregnancy can have an effect on mood but memory deficits are independant of these variables.

Several conclusions

1. Subjective concern at feeling forgetful and lack of concentration is real and should not be dismissed when encountered.

2. The reason why this thing has not come out in studies is because of lack of instruments to detect a difference in between study population and control.

3. There is concern of "medicalizing" a natural process. There are a lot of implications to calling this a "maternal amnestic syndrome", including work rights for women at work place and discrimination based on gender.

4. Pre pregnancy level of functioning and personality structure and its response to stress can also play a role in which people feel and identify a change in cognition.

5. Changes in sleep and awareness can also contaminate subjective sensations.

More research is needed to see what are the exact deficits that are faced and what is there effect on daily routines. If special work accomodations have to be made at work place, it would not be prejudice, it would be recognizing nature.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The archetype and the meta archetype

As a dear friend recently pointed out a debate that I thought was long gone dead. It was concerning how the sexual roles are basically archetypes. The archetype of a woman is a role defined by the culture. The yearnings, inhibitions and gross cognitive processes would generally be the same cross culturally. Ofcourse not in little details but little details prove the system rather than working against it.
Developmental of psychological apparatus and all such hypotheses are based on an archetype individual. An individual which is present in the world of "idea". Such an individual would do what is the "nature of man".
This main archetype is then divided into atleast two more archetypes, if not more. That of the man and the woman, Adam and Eve, Yin and Yang. These two are then further sub divided depending on conflicts that any of these two archetypes go through for example the archetype of the little girl, the archetype of the teenage girl, the archetype of the fertile woman, the archetype of the mother etc etc.
Talking about archetypes should be facilitated if the word meta and sub is introduced in to the archetype referring to the archetypal classification above or below it.